Mary Thornton Website Manager / Editor / contributor
Mary Thornton lives in Boston where when she's not watching movies, she's working in a tech company answering accounting questions. Her favorite movies are usually science-fiction and horror, though there's a soft spot in her heart for the endearingly-terrible. Mary decided to start Lens Flared to have a place to write about movies, but picked up some other creative people along the way.
Amber Boyles Writer / Contributor
Amber Broyles is an aspiring screenwriter. She has a bachelor's degree in Creative Writing from Full Sail University specializing in different forms of script writing. Ultimately, she hopes to create her own media. Horror and comedy are her two great passions in life. Currently, she works for a party rental company in California. In her spare time she games, obsessively consumes film, rocks out to J Pop, and dyes her hair funny colors.